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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

You are worthy!

Like most days I fee unworthy of our Lord's love and favor, but
He continues to show me that through His grace and love 
I am worthy, loved and beautiful in his eyes.

I came across this the other day on social media and it just 
stuck with me.
How powerful it is to know this!
Some days you rock that "Christian status," while other days
 you boldly feel you could have done so much better.  
With that feeling of disappointment in yourself comes doubt that 
God is looking down ready to punish you.  That's just not true-
God loves you in the hot mess you are in and wants to 
see you through it.  You simply must trust and believe
you are worthy and include Him in your life by
reading your Bible, praying and spending quiet time listening
for His total guidance.

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, 
as some understand slowness.
Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but
everyone to come to repentance.
2 Peter 3:9

I hope this encourages you today that whatever you are going
through or whatever you have done- 
God is there ready to fulfill His purpose in your life!

Have a blessed day!



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